published Books

Rangell explored the public pathology, which he termed “the Nixon syndrome,” that he saw as leading to corruption and the loss of integrity.

In this summary work, Dr. Rangell fuses the many fragmented theoretical divisions of his field into a unitary theory of psychoanalysis.

Rangell developed a composite theory of psychoanalysis, uniting the fragmented schools of thought and addressing the controversies.

Rangell discusses the musicial hallucinations he began to experience daily following surgery in 1995.
published Articles

An early clinical paper

Rangell’s first prize-winning paper published in 1952.

One of Rangell’s earliest and most cited articles from the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, October 1954.

Based on a talk on “The Significance of Intrapsychic Conflict,” presented at the fall meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, December 8, 1962. Published in the 1963 volume of the Psychoanalytic Study of the Child.